Liebster Blog Award

As usual, I will always look into my social networking and see is there anything new updates.
Today, when I trying to find some interesting blog for me to read,
I found this, Liebster Award for Bloggers by Pinky Yii.
Unexpected surprisingly, my name is there.
OMG! I was nominated by her.
Thanks to her. *full of love*

The Award!!!

Wondering what is it?
Let's see, Liebster means "dearest" or "favourite" in German.
So, it means that you love some blogger's work and appreciate it by this gesture.
This award is an award which given to up-and-coming blogs of less than 200 followers.

Did I mention there are rules to follow?
Here are the Rules:
1. Post the award on  your blog.
2. Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog.
3. Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter.
4. Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserves of this award and those who have less than 200 followers.
5. Give your nominees 11 questions.

My Answer to Pinky Yii's Questions:
1. What is your favourite colour? Sky blue? Ocean blue? Aiya, as long as they are BLUE. hahaha...
2. Do you have a pet? Nope.
3. Who inspire you to start blog? hmm~ myself? @@ hehehe... =P
4. Are you single or not available? It's complicated. XD
5. Best skin care product you have tried. None. =(
6. What is your favourite movie/drama? Inception!!! *.*
7. Use 3 words to describe me (Pinky Yii). Cute, Sweet, Pretty!!! ^^
8. The most crazy thing you did before. @.@ not really. Not that I can recalled.
9. Who is your idol? Donald Trump. =)
10. When you start blogging? Since I have my own laptop. =P
11. List down 3 skincare brand in your collection. None. =(

Now, my turn to nominate 11 bloggers for the Liebster Blog Award.
1. Shini Lola from
2. Shivani Balraj from Pen my Blog
3. Nikoru Nicole from Nikoru Nicole
4. Carinn Tan from Carinn; Carerynn
5. Kelly Lee from D.littleprincess Love Life
6. Yiying from 蜕变日记
7. Rebecca Wong from Beautyjunkie Babe
8. Eriol Loh from Love Myself
9. Melissa Mah from ~Angelic Celestial M~
10. Ashley Yeen from Ashley
11. Sara from 嘉嘉の美丽人生

My Questions for my Nominees:
1. Describe your personalities.
2. What is the quote that you live by?
3. What is your favourite book?
4. What is your favourite season?
5. When is your first blogging?
6. What makes you continue blogging till now?
7. If you could turn back time, where will it be?
8. What will you do if you only left 24 hours of your life?
9. The unforgettable lesson you have learnt in your life.
10. What is an item you lost that you would like to get it back?
11. What is the first item you think of to buy it if I were giving you RM100?

This post...really took me some time.
However, I have done it.
Good luck for my nominees.
and Thanks to Pinky Yii for nominate me. ^^



  1. congrats on the liebster award! my favorite color is also blue! but mine is dark neow blue


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